Our Curriculum
Our Curriculum and Teaching and Learning culture is the cornerstone to all teaching at Hempnall.
At Hempnall Primary School, we offer an exciting curriculum that ensures our children are enriched by a wide variety of opportunities and experiences. We have designed our curriculum to give our children frequent and logical opportunities to revisit and consolidate prior learning; integrate new knowledge and make logical links with their existing knowledge; ask questions and draw conclusions based on their discoveries; and challenge them to build resilience, and become creative, critical thinkers, who are well-equipped for life beyond primary school. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time, where there are no limits to curiosity and there is a thirst for new experiences and knowledge.
Our planning starts with the National Curriculum and the Norfolk RE Agreed Syllabus; our children’s studies will not be limited to these requirements alone, however.
We place a very high importance on the integration of our school values of co-operation, independence, participation, concentration, imagination and perseverance which encompass the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education aspects, into all subjects. Throughout the school year, our curriculum actively promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs. All children follow a programme of Personal, Social, Relationships and Health Education, Teachers build links from all of these aspects into all areas of the curriculum.
Our curriculum is tailored to meet the needs and interests of the children in each class, and is therefore written by all staff yearly - this is intended to develop the children’s knowledge, experience, imagination and self-confidence, to ensure that they become empowered, passionate and lifelong learners. We plan to not only consider the children's skills and interests, but also those of the teachers. We carefully monitor the coverage of all subjects for each cohort as they move through the school, to ensure that, with split year groups and mixed age classes, all children receive the full Primary National Curriculum coverage during their time with us here at Hempnall.
If you would like to discuss any element of our curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact the school office and direct your enquiry for the class teacher.
Hempnall Curriculum Vision
Our curriculum develops cultural capital and knowledge, skills and understanding for later life.
It goes beyond the National curriculum with an enriching range of opportunities and experiences, to enable our children to be the best they can be.
New skills and experiences, and the learning environment help to nurture resilience, curiosity and creativity.
The curriculum is enhanced by our learning powers: co-operation, independence, participation, concentration, imagination and perseverance.
We ensure coverage and progression across all subject areas; developing depth of knowledge and understanding and opportunities for children to build on what they know and embed their knowledge into long term memory.
In order to broaden the children’s experiences, visits, visitors and other opportunities are carefully planned to support and enhance learning.
As part of planning our curriculum we ensure prior knowledge is re-visited and built upon to deepen understanding.
Our curriculum places our children at the cent arend allows each child to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding across all subjects.
We strive to ensure that our children’s attainment in all subjects is in line with or above age-related expectations.
We intend that all our children will be fully prepared for their next stage of education; ready to contribute positively to society as a whole.
Download our Hempnall Curriculum Vision 2022 (in PDF) here